Fiber Optics used to Create a Well Known Train Bridge Logo
October is a busy month for sure for us model railroaders. Dwarvin is attending the MER rail convention at the Crowne Plaza, King of Prussia Oct 11-12th and will be showing some more new products there. Austin (my grandson) collaborated with Mike Dettinger and together they came up with a bridge lit with our fiber system. It's modeled on the rail bridge in Trenton that states, 'Trenton Makes - The World Takes'. The photo doesn't do it justice, it's best to see it in real life with trains running through! See it at Timonium Oct 26th.
Michael Dettinger and I will do a clinic at one of the Amherst January 2020 train show demonstrating how to both build and light such a structure. So stay tuned. Here's a close up of the bridge.