The 2019 NMRA / National Train Show was a Blast

by Michael Groves

Shirley and I drove 4,750 miles round trip to attend the clinics and sell at the show.  We launched 4 new products including the new big brother Lamplighter which sold out in the first few hours of the show, together with the Industrial Building Lamps - we had underestimated the interest!!  It was by far the most successful show we have been at and we are very grateful to all those who were patient when the line at our booth got up go to 5 people deep.  As always, we came away with many new ideas to try and blogs we need to write.  So you can expect a series of these over the next few weeks.  Thanks to all those who attended and those who decided to add to or try out the ‘lighting without wiring’ product line.  Do let us know how you enjoy the products and keep those photos rolling in.

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